Aderhold - Rechtsanwälte für Unternehmens- und Wirtschaftsrecht

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Company information pursuant to the German Digital Services Act (Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz - DDG) and the German Ordinance on Service Providers' Duty to Inform (DL-InfoVO)

Company name/legal entity: Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Locations: Dortmund | Düsseldorf | Leipzig | Berlin | Frankfurt a.M.

Responsible bar associations/rules governing the professional code of conduct: Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH is registered to practice law in the Federal Republic of Germany and is a member of the bar association in Hamm, Ostenallee 18, 59063 Hamm.

The following lawyers engaged at Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH are members of the bar association in Düsseldorf, Freiligrathstr. 25, 40479 Düsseldorf:

  • Marvin Cedric Helbig
  • Dr. Michael Löser
  • Michael Siemann
  • Dr. Susanne Szameitat
  • Dr. Barbara Wenker

The following lawyers engaged at Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH are members of the bar association in Hamm, Ostenallee 18, 59063 Hamm:

  • Prof. Dr. Lutz Aderhold
  • Dr. Alexander Bardenz (also notary)*
  • Dr. Pascal Becker-Wulf*
  • Dr. Winfried Born
  • Dr. Christian Hoppe
  • Dr. Gunther Lehleiter, LL.M.
  • Alexander Leier
  • Dominik Müller, LL.M.
  • Ulrich Peters, LL.M.
  • Benjamin Schauß
  • Jürgen Schemann (also notary)*
  • Dr. Thorsten Siepe (also notary)*
  • Alina Statz
  • Monika Volkers
  • Catherine Westerwelle (also notary)*
  • Dr. Matthias Wiese (also notary)*

* The persons marked are both qualified lawyers and notaries and are licensed to serve in both these capacities in the Federal Republic of Germany. They are members of the Westphalian association of notaries, Ostenallee 18, 59063 Hamm. With regard to the office of notary, the responsible supervisory body is the president of the regional court in Dortmund, Kaiserstr. 34, 44135 Dortmund.

The following tariffs and rules of the Federal Republic of Germany apply to notaries:

  • BNotO – Federal Notarial Code
  • BeurkG – Notarization Act
  • KostO – Cost Regulation
  • DONot – Notaries’ Professional Code of Conduct
  • Guidelines of the Westphalian association of notaries

The tariffs and rules applicable to notaries are available on the website of the Federal Council of Notaries (, section: “Der Notar”, subsection: “Berufsrecht”.

The following lawyers engaged at Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH are members of the Cologne bar association, Riehler Straße 30, 50668 Köln:

  • Sven Degenhardt, LL.M.
  • Dr. Jörg Heyer
  • Volker Ostermeyer
  • Patrick Palmen 
  • Tisa Stahm
  • Lars Thiesen
  • Daniel Wagener

The following lawyers engaged at Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH are members of the Saxony bar association, Glacisstr. 6, 01099 Dresden:

  • Bianca Böttcher, LL.M.
  • Juliane Dörfer
  • Claudia Epler
  • Hubertus Freiherr von Erffa
  • Nicole Forberg
  • Alexander Hohnert
  • Juri Kessen
  • Patrick Klawa, LL.M. oec.
  • Tilo Kolb
  • Dirk Helge Laskawy
  • Peggy Lomb
  • Dr. Julia Pätzold
  • Vanessa Schwetschenau
  • Friedrich Vosberg
  • Till Vosberg
  • Toni Woitke

The following lawyers engaged at Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH are members of the bar association in Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main:

  • Jessica Kießling, LL.M.
  • Dr. Thomas Rautenberg
  • Dipl.-Kfm. Jens Weber*

* Member of the Chamber of Tax Advisors Hesse (Steuerberaterkammer Hessen), Bleichstraße 1, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, as well as of the Chamber of Auditors (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer) Berlin, Rauchstraße 26, 10787 Berlin.

The following tariffs and rules of the Federal Republic of Germany apply to lawyers:

  • BRAO - Federal Lawyers' Act
  • BORA - Lawyers’ Professional Code of Conduct
  • FAO - Code for Specialist Lawyers
  • RVG - Federal Code of Lawyers’ Fees
  • CCBE - Statutes of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of the European Union

The tariffs and rules applicable to lawyers are available on the website of the Federal Law Society (, section: “Berufsrecht”.

The following tax advisors engaged at Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH are members of the Chamber of Tax Advisors in Düsseldorf, Grafenberger Allee 98, 40237 Düsseldorf , which also acts as the responsible supervisory body:

  • Dipl.-Kaufmann Michael Gödecke

The following tariffs and rules of the Federal Republic of Germany apply to tax advisors:

  • StBerG - Tax Advisory Act
  • DVStB - Regulation on the Implementation of the Provisions for Tax Advisors, Tax Agents and Tax Advisory Companies
  • FBO - Code for Specialist Advisors
  • StBGebV - Schedule of Fees for Tax Advisors
  • BOStB - Professional Code of Conduct for Tax Advisors

The tariffs and rules applicable to tax advisors are available on the website of the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors (, section: “Der Steuerberater“, subsection:  “Berufsrecht”.

The following auditors engaged at Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH are members of the Chamber of Auditors, Rauchstraße 26, 10787 Berlin, which is responsible for them as a supervisory authority:

  • Dipl.-Kaufmann Michael Gödecke

The following tariffs and rules apply to auditors:

  • WPO - Auditors Regulations
  • BS WP/vBP - The Professional Statutes of Auditors/Sworn Accountants

Company head office: Dortmund

Managing directors:

  • Prof. Dr. Lutz Aderhold

Registration: Commercial register, district court of Dortmund, registration No. HRB 23594

Turnover tax identification number: DE 815263059 

Professional liability insurers: HDI-Gerling Firmen und Privat Vers. AG, Betrieb Standort Köln Firmen, Postfach 10 24 64, 50464 Cologne

The territorial scope of the insurance contract applies (1) to Germany, (2) to all other European countries, whereby insured are all liability claims resulting from activities [i] related to the provision of advice in connection with or involving European law, [ii] executed by a lawyer before a European court, (3) worldwide, up to an amount corresponding to the minimum amount of insurance cover required by law to cover liability claims arising from actions against the policyholder before a non-European court. The insurance coverage does not include liability claims arising from the activities of law firms or offices established or maintained abroad.

The European Commission is providing an online dispute resolution platform, which can be found at Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH does not participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Contact address according § 5 par. 1 No. 2 German Digital Services Act (Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz - DDG):

The LEADERS.LAW blog is part of the corporate website of Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH. Accountable for the published content in terms of media legislation as of Section 18(2) of German State Media Treaty is attorney-at-law Dirk H. Laskawy. Both he and the editorial team may be reached at the Leipzig office using the contact details given below or the contact form.

Concept, design, realisation:
Kupper IT GmbH

Location Berlin

Mommsenstraße 5
10629 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 88 720 - 647
Fax +49 (0)30 88 720 - 648

Location Dortmund

Westfalendamm 87
44141 Dortmund
Tel. +49 (0)231 42 777 - 100
Fax +49 (0)231 42 777 - 269

Location Düsseldorf

Speditionstraße 23
40221 Düsseldorf
Tel. +49 (0)211 447 33 - 0
Fax +49 (0)211 447 33 - 307

Location Frankfurt/Main

Bockenheimer Landstraße 101
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. +49 (0)69 240030 - 000
Fax +49 (0)69 240030 - 400

Location Köln

Im Mediapark 8
50670 Köln
Tel. +49 (0) 221 933 12 - 0
Fax +49 (0) 221 933 12 - 190

Location Leipzig

Reichsstraße 15
04109 Leipzig
Tel. +49 (0)341 44 924 - 0
Fax +49 (0)341 44 924 - 100

© Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH